Nobody and I

One day there was Nobody. He was all alone. He had nothing to play with and nowhere to go. Nobody was bored to death. Until Something appeared. Nobody and Something played tag, but one day they had been everywhere. Something then bounced back to I. Nobody followed. That's how I and Nobody met ... It was love at first sight.

Picture book
30 x 30 cm, 32 pages
Ages 6 and up
€ 14.95
Rights sold: Portugese (Brazil)

Text: Bart Mertens - Illustrations & Graphic design: Benjamin Leroy
Published by De Eenhoorn Publishers (BE) - ISBN 9789058387264
Contact Sarah Claeys at De Eenhoorn Publishers to get to know more about Foreign Rights:



Benjamin Leroy perfectly captures the atmosphere of the story with his illustrations, shifting between nothingness and something, between the emptiness of a sheet and a colorful compilation of different figures that have been pasted, painted or drawn.
— De Leeswelp Reviews (BE)

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