A Date in the Woods

Bat had a date… with a deer. Not just any deer, but a flying deer. He had everything ready: a salad in the fridge, candle lit on the table and then the door bell rang, but it wasn’t a deer? It was a beetle! Was there time left for Bat to eat the beetle before her guest appeared? Or was it too late?

Reading book
27 x 33 cm
Ages 6 and up
€ 15.99
Rights sold: Italian

Text: Sylvia Vanden Heede - Illustrations: Benjamin Leroy
Published by Lannoo Publishers (BE) - ISBN 9789401421065
Contact Gunther Spriet at Lannoo Publishers to get to know more about foreign rights:



The true power of ‘A Date in the Woods’ is the visual word use by Vanden Heede, and the hilarious mistake: both of the animals imagined to meet someone else. The elegant drawings by Benjamin Leroy, from which the use of big rounded eyes are his trademark, truly make their mark in this big sized book format.
— Jury Griffels & Penselen (NL)
Leroy makes this party in the woods complete with his colourful pictures that tell so much more then the story itself. You look, search, find, discover and your fantasy gets activated. Great! Just like the author he succeeds to blend reality and fantasy into each other in a harmonious way.
— Pluizuit Reviews (BE)
Even though attached more to reality then in other works, because this book is a collaboration with a Nature Care Organisation, Leroy finds his way to deal with it. The Kingfisher and other birds, the salamander en Flying Deer: they sparkle off the page. A great look-and-rediscover-book indeed!
— Edward Van De Vendel, author (NL)

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