The Hunt for the Saber-toothed Tiger

A long time ago, men were hunters and women picked fruit. When it was a full moon, the medicine man made a prediction: 'The saber-toothed tiger is nearby.' The tribe starting preparing for the arrival of this monstrous beast, but young Olun decided to go look for it. The medicine man gave him a little white rock, but will Olun be able to catch the beast with the help of this little rock?

Picture book
23,5 x 33,5 cm, 32 pages
Ages 5 and up
€ 16.95
Rights sold: Danish, Italian

Text: Pieter Van Oudheusden - Illustrations: Benjamin Leroy
Published by De Eenhoorn Publishers (BE) - ISBN 9789058389589
Contact Sarah Claeys at De Eenhoorn Publishers to get to know more about Foreign Rights:



The true charm of this book are the witty and dynamic drawings by Benjamin Leroy. We already knew Leroy’s metier from collaborations with poet Jaap Robben, in this book he reaffirms once again his talent and guts.
— De Morgen Newspaper (BE)
Leroy creates a contemporary vision on cavemen in an unconventional way, which at the same time does justice to their individuality. It is a humorous vision, full of funny details, that invites reading and rereading.

A Date in the Woods


If Anyone Ever Finds My Bones